Month: April 2017

How I missed Canfin Homes

There is a beautiful passage in Steven Johnson’s Where Good Ideas come from

“Good ideas are like the neo nurture device. They are, inevitably constrained by the parts and skills that surround them. We have a natural tendency to romanticize breakthrough innovations, imagining momentous ideas transcending their surroundings…… We like to think of our ideas as $40,000 incubators direct from factory, but in reality they have been cobbled together with spare parts that happened to be sitting in the garage.”

This passage has a striking resemblance to how I look for new companies to invest, trying hard to find a hidden jewel in an obscure corner outside BSE 500 without realizing that many of them are tangled in many spreadsheets stored on my PC

Let me run you past one such case last year I was reviewing one of my existing positions GRUH Finance and unlike previous years I wanted to review GRUH not only in comparison to itself but to its peers – REPCO and Canfin homes. The reason for picking these two Housing Finance Companies  was

  • I also had REPCO in my portfolio so I will kill two reviews in a single seating 🙂
  • Loan book size
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